Customer's data

Name and surname: * Firm:
Street: * Town: *
Code: * State:
Phone: ** Mobil: **
Fax: Email: *
Bank account: www:
Language: Currency:
  Minimum password length is 10 characters. Furthermore we recommend choosing a combination of lower-case and upper-case letters, numbers, and special characters (#, !, ?, $, ...).

Delivery address

Same as main address

Name and surname: * Firm:
Street: * Town: *
Code: * State:
Phone: ** Mobil: **
Fax: Email: *
You can add more delivery addresses after your registration.

* this field have to be filled
** at least one of this fields have to be filled
The seller undertakes not to sell or to give the entrusted personal data of the customer to the third parties without the approval of the customer,he undertakes not to use ,wihout the customer´s approval, his personal data for a commercial offer which is not connected with his business offer. The seller undertakes to delete the customer´s personal data from database upon the request of the customer without a given reason.
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